I Spy

Aaron Hagan,



Aaron Hagan is a Lethbridge-based artist who received his BFA from the University of Lethbridge (2006), majoring in painting. He has maintained an active studio practice with a focus on colourful abstraction.  Hagan’s approach to abstract painting is to explore the elements of line, shape, and colour.  He works to create uniquely balanced and harmonious imagery pleasing to the eye.

The public art vinyl wrap piece,  I Spy, references the classic game, which Hagan fondly recalls playing in his youth with family and friends to pass the time. The original piece has more than 5000 swatches of various colours and unique organic shapes. Hagan wanted to engage pedestrians as they travel along 13th street, by making the artwork colourful, playful, and challenging to them. 


This piece was part of a Utility Box Wrap project with a total budget of $12,000 across
10 locations for artist fees, fabrication and installation.