Lethbridge Public Art 5 Public Art Collection 5 Nostalgia Unified (YQL)

Nostalgia Unified (YQL)

Alejandro Alvarez ,



Alejandro Alvarez’s art piece, Nostalgia Unified, was thoughtfully created using a variety of materials sourced directly from the city of Lethbridge. Alvarez used a collage approach to create cohesive pieces representing the memory and life of Lethbridge’s historical sites. The four different collages were created on printing plates from a 1920s Lethbridge newspaper. The photos used were sourced from Lethbridge locals, including one picture found in the debris of the 2023 Lethbridge Hotel fire. Taken together, fragments of both create a whole perception. Memories can be unreliable and incomplete, and, in a contradictory manner, make up the only semblance of reality one can perceive. Alvarez hopes people come away from the work in a spirit of reflection. 


This piece was part of a Utility Box Wrap project with a total budget of $12,000 across 10 locations for artist fees, fabrication, and installation.