Lethbridge Public Art 5 Public Art Calls 5 Call for Expressions of Interest: Mural Pilot Project

Call for Expressions of Interest: Mural Pilot Project

Call for Expressions of Interest
The City of Lethbridge Public Art Program and Heart of Our City Committee are seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) for community murals. A mural is an artwork painted or applied directly on a wall. Murals help add vibrancy to our community by activating public spaces, promoting community expression, and deterring graffiti vandalism. EOIs can be submitted by either building owners seeking a mural on an exterior building wall, or by an artist who has received permission from a building owner to install a mural on an exterior building wall. This Project will serve as a pilot to inform the potential development of a mural program.

Applicants must be either the owner of a building in Lethbridge, or a Lethbridge/Lethbridge-area artist. There are two streams of eligibility:
Building owners, who are seeking or who have selected an artist to install a mural; or Artists, who own a building or who have permission from a building owner to install a mural. The proposed mural must be on an exterior wall of a building located within Lethbridge city limits. It must be completely visible from public property from a reasonable distance. Mural artwork must be appropriate for public display. The mural’s intention must be artistic and cannot include promotional or commercial content. The mural should reflect at least one of the guiding principles that underscore the City’s Public Art Master Plan: inclusivity, diversity, accessibility, creativity, sustainability, and quality. If the mural is located in the downtown, it should also embody at least one of the pillars of the Heart of Our City Master Plan: beautiful, livable, sustainable, exciting, accessible, and vibrant. An applicant may submit only one EOI per property, but an EOI may include multiple murals.

Project Budget
A proposed budget cannot exceed $15,000 plus GST. If an EOI includes multiple murals, the total combined budget cannot exceed $15,000 plus GST. Murals in the downtown are eligible to receive full project funding. Murals outside of the downtown are eligible to receive up to 50% of project funding to a maximum of $7,500 plus GST.

Project Timeline
EOI Submission Deadline: September 14, 2020
Notification of Selection: October 16, 2020
Deadline for Mural Completion/Use of Funding: July 31, 2021