Striped Skunk

Leila Armstrong,



Leila Armstrong’s design is a bold, stylized drawing of a striped skunk repeated in a wallpaper-like pattern. It is meant to “pop” and be fun while advocating for a better understanding of this much-maligned creature. Armstrong’s goal is to encourage people to embrace the every day and to think of their yards and gardens as places for wilderness to not only exist but to flourish. Skunks are the urban gardener’s friend, eating grasshoppers, grubs, beetles, crickets, cutworms, slugs, mice, ground squirrels, and wasps. Plus, they’re darn cute and are one of the most recognizable North American animals.


This piece was part of a Utility Box Wrap project with a total budget of $12,000 across 10 locations for artist fees, fabrication and installation.