Lethbridge Public Art 5 News 5 Pause. Art. Play.
Pause. Art. Play.

Pause. Art. Play.

January 21, 2021

Pause. Art. Play.
Dance and Public Art in Downtown Lethbridge

Pause. Art. Play. is a series of dance and public art videos created in the summer of 2020 in Lethbridge by the Lethbridge Society of Independent Dance Artists in response to COVID-19. Seven works were selected with six dancers bringing their dance artistry to this project. These choreographed moments explore meaning and placemaking. Viewers may rethink their relationship to the works or see them in new ways.

See videos from dancers Sandra Lamouche, Claire Lint, Alina Kuk, Julie-Vanessa Munoz, Dustin Bettiger and Catherine McLaughlin. Public Artworks included in this project include: Sphere of Social Consensus, How Can I Miss You If You Never Go Away, Aeolian Aviary, Bit Portal, Together, Signal and A Departure.

The videos were released on Facebook but can now be seen on YouTube on the Allied Arts Council channel.

This project was a partnership between LSIDA, the Allied Arts Council of Lethbridge and the Heart of Our City Committee Virtual Initiative Grant.

Videographer: Ginaima8

The front detail of Interwoven Legacies by Karla Mather-Cox on a Zamboni
The outside of the Logan Boulet Ice Centre depicting Interwoven Legacies by Karla Mather-Cox across the top windows.